Geomatics is the science and technology which focuses on the acquisition, modelling, management, interpretation, visualization and analysis of spatially-referenced data and non-spatial information to create value-added knowledge, products and services required for scientific, engineering, technical, administrative, legal and socio-economic applications.
ARTICLE 1 – Description of Award
a) This Award shall be known as the HANS KLINKENBERG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP.
Hans Klinkenberg (1922-1974) was a well-known and respected field surveyor, mathematician, foreign advisor, and professor. Born and educated in The Netherlands, he and his family immigrated to Canada in 1948. Two years later, he joined the Legal Surveys Division of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys (now the Department of Natural Resources), during which time he earned his Dominion Land Surveyor (DLS) and Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS) Commissions. Three years later, in 1953, he transferred to the Geodetic Survey of Canada. In 1954, after completing the many and difficult examinations in higher surveying, he earned the prestigious status of Dominion Topographical Surveyor (DTS). During the next fifteen years, he progressed through several more responsible positions. In 1966, Hans accepted a United Nations appointment as an expert advisor to assist the Saudi Arabian government with its many survey problems. By 1967, he has been appointed Assistant Dominion Geodesist. During this time in the Geodetic Survey, he authored a number of papers on surveying subjects and for several years taught evening courses in surveying at Carleton University. While Chief of the Mathematical Adjustment Section, he assisted in the design and implementation of computer programs for the design, analysis and adjustment of survey networks used widely in Canada and many other countries. In 1971, he was appointed chair of Commission II on Professional Education of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). In the same year, he became assistant to the Director of Map Production and played a significant role in organizing the 1972 Conference of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). His organizational and leadership skills were recognized by his election in 1972 as President of the Ottawa Branch of the Royal Astronomical Society and as Chair of the International Section of the Land Surveys Committee of the Canadian Institute of Surveying, predecessor to the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG). In the fall of 1972, Hans was lured into the academic community, which recognized his broad knowledge of surveying and geodesy. He accepted the Chair of the Faculty of Geodesy at Laval University for a two-year term. Then, in the fall of 1974, Hans accepted a teaching post at the newly formed Erindale College, University of Toronto. He loved teaching and his infectious enthusiasm and concern for people and community were invaluable. Hans enriched the lives of all those who came in contact with him, and Canada, his adopted country, is a richer place because he was here.
b) The Award is administered by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) through the Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship Board of Trustees, hereinafter known as the Board of Trustees.
c) The purpose of the Award is:
- to assist in furthering the education and training of students in the field of Geomatics, which includes surveying, photogrammetry, cartography, geodesy, hydrography, and other related disciplines, and
- to promote and increase knowledge, skill and proficiency in the Geomatics profession in Canada.
d) The Award shall consist of a certificate and a cheque, the amount of which will be determined by the Board of Trustees and will be based on the interest accrued on an annual basis, but likely will be not less than $1000.00.
e) A decision shall be made annually on the number of Awards and the disbursement of same.
ARTICLE 2 – Eligibility
a) The Award shall be made to a student in good standing who is registered full-time in an accredited technical institute or community college in Canada. The student must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.
b) The student shall be pursuing a course of study in the field of Geomatics as defined in Article 1, Item C and shall be continuing to the second or subsequent year of a full-time program or in a one-year contiguous intensive program.
c) Any student awarded this scholarship is not eligible in any subsequent year.
d) The Award is tenable only in the year in which it is granted.
ARTICLE 3 – Application
A student who wishes to compete for the Award will submit an application consisting of the following:
a) an official transcript(s) of all post-secondary education (e.g., technical institute, community college, or university courses completed and grades received);
b) letters of recommendation, on official letterhead, from two (2) faculty members of the technical institute or community college who are familiar with the applicant’s work and capabilities. Letters of recommendation, on official letterhead are to be sent directly to:
Chair, Board of Trustees
Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship
c/o Canadian Institute of Geomatics
900 Dynes Road, Suite 100 E
Ottawa, ON
K2C 3L6
c) a one-page statement from the student regarding his or her plans for continuing education in Geomatics;
d) the application will be submitted to the Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship Board of Trustees no later than February 15th of the year in which the Award is to be granted.
Announcement of Award Winner
a) The winner of the Award shall be notified by the Chair of the Board of Trustees, or his/her designate at least four weeks prior to the date of the annual general meeting of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics.
Applications with all required documentation must be post marked or received
by the February 15th deadline for consideration.
Failure to provide
ALL DOCUMENTATION as requested, will result in
Applications with all required documentation must be received by the deadline found on the application form for consideration.
Receipt of your application will be acknowledged by e-mail, please keep copies as they will not be returned to you. The decision of the scholarship committee will be final.
*** Students who are in a geomatics university program are not eligible for the Hans Klinkenberg scholarship.
application form must be downloaded and saved to your computer to enable the type/fill option. Once downloaded, open the saved version, complete, print and sign. If the form does not not allow you to type/fill, please request the interactive form by email at