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The General Assembly has unfortunately been cancelled and postponed to 2021.
The agenda has been published and we encourage you to read the agenda and reports to stay updated with what is going on in FIG.
Dear member of FIG
It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s FIG Working Week in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, due 10-14 May 2020. This cancellation will also have the effect that the General Assembly that should have taken place as part of the Working Week is also cancelled.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this time.
First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited until 1 June.
Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of you, and we would not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many surveyors from all over the world together.
Options to postpone the Working Week and General Assembly to August 2020 have been considered by the Steering Committee but were finally discarded due to several uncertainties; amongst others the current travel restrictions to the European Union (Schengen-area) due to COVID-19. And for the moment, the Dutch embassies do not issue visas and we do not know how long this situation will last.
FIG 43rd General Assembly
FIG Council has decided to cancel the General Assembly 2020. There will be no General Assembly at all in 2020.
Nevertheless, the agenda for the General Assembly 2020 has been published and is shared with you attached as pdf and through the FIG web site: https://fig.net/organisation/general_assembly/agendas_and_minutes/2020/agenda.asp
With the agenda, we are sharing our thoughts on what should have taken place during the General Assembly and also the reports on activities throughout the past year. We hope that you will take time to go through the agenda and the reports.
The cancellation means that there will be no elections this year. Council has decided to postpone the election of two new Vice presidents and the venue 2024 to the next General Assembly in Accra, Ghana, 24 and 28 May 2021.
As two new Vice Presidents should have been elected and their term was supposed to start 1.1.2021, council has decided that the current council will continue until the General Assembly in May in Ghana. When the two new Vice Presidents have been elected their term of office will start immediately hereafter and the current Vice Presidents will step down.
All other agenda items that should have been adopted by the General Assembly will also be moved to 2021.
Should you have comments to the agenda you are welcome to write to us.
FIG Council, FIG Office and the Dutch Local Organisers of the Working Week 2020 are working on the details and consequences of the cancellation, and we will get back to you with more information.
Finally, our thoughts and thanks go especially towards our local organisers from the Netherlands. The large and efficient local organising committee with Paula Dijkstra competently in the lead as co-conference director have put uncountable hours, creative thoughts, many actions in the preparations for this Working Week and which until a few weeks ago were summing excitedly with the final preparations. The COVID-19 virus stopped this.
On behalf of FIG Council,
Rudolf Staiger, President and Louise Friis-Hansen, Director
The yearly Working Week and General Assembly is planned to take place 10-14 May 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
FIG and the Local Organisers in the Netherlands are closely monitoring and evaluating the extraordinary situation with the COVID-19 virus. Right now the situation develops day by day and FIG and the local organisers are in close contact with partners and stakeholders in order to come to a decision as soon as possible on if and how to proceed with the Working Week. With all the preparations that have been made so far we do hope to welcome you to Amsterdam 10-14 May. On the other hand the health of our participants are also of our concern and we also have a social responsibility that travels are done only when it is safe.
The General Assembly agenda will be published on www.fig.net by the end of next week and will be send to all members.
Due to this extraordinary situation we ask you to not contact us and ask what will happen in case the General Assembly will not be held in Amsterdam. We will get back to you with further information on this if needed.
We understand that you wait for a decision from our side. We try to find the best solution and as soon as possible. We will make an announcement the latest on 31 March with a decision on whether to cancel or to continue with the preparations for the Working Week.
This opportunity is reserved for deserving Young Surveyors, that are:
A) Young Surveyors (YS)
- Surveying students (and all related studies) aged 35 years or under
B) Young Surveying Professionals (YSP)
- Young Professionals of surveying and all related studies within 10 years of graduation from a Bachelor or Master’s degree aged 35 years or under
if you are interested to know more or if you feel you can be the next Grant awardee, follow this link and complete the form!
The FIG Foundation Grant will cover: travel and visa costs (e.g. airfare, train, bus), accommodations and meals, the FIG Congress Registration Fee, the FIG Young Surveyors Conference registration fee, the FIG Foundation Dinner, and the FIG Gala Dinner.
All applicants must also provide the following supporting documents to this email - fig.ysn.funds@gmail.com:
- a clear copy of your valid-to-travel passport;
- your updated curriculum vitae;
- two (2) written and signed letters of recommendation or reference letters (details in the form);
- a photo, a video, or a link that highlights your work or study in the surveying field!
The application will end on the 26th of January 2020 so hurry and don't let this exciting opportunity drift away!
For more information, you can contact the FIG Young Surveyors Network at fig.youngsurveyors@gmail.com or fig.ysn.funds@gmail.com